Wednesday, October 16, 2019

I am You and You are Me

I am you and
You are me
I am in everything you see
You are in everything I see
Why then, this separation
of You and I ?

If the eyes are deceiving me
Oh Lord!
Let me see through
The EYE !!

Friday, October 4, 2019

Truly begin to live

Let go of all attachments, gradually, one by one

Enjoy the freedom

Celebrate the moment

You have nothing to lose.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Send Good Vibes, attract Good Vibes

We attract situations that match the type of Energy we emit.

Send good vibes, attract good vibes.

Awareness is the Key.

Love, Light, Peace

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Prisoner of time

Your true potential is not limited to the mortal body restricted by the illusion of time.

Grow spiritually and enter the vastness.

You are much more than a mortal being.

Love, Light, Peace

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Practice Gratitude

Today and everyday, take time to feel thankful for what you have, what you had and what you will have.

When we consciously practice Gratitude, it becomes a way of life.

You will be amazed at the way Life responds continuously in favour of you!

Love, Light and Peace

- Inusha

Friday, September 6, 2019

True Healing

For years, tucked away wounds kept me a miserable victim of resentment until I was ready to dive in and address the wounds, only to discover that I WAS THE CULPRIT!

Others had nothing to do with my resentment, nothing to do with my misery. They were simply themselves! I was a victim of my own  projections and expectations!

The day I let go of resentment, my healing kicked off. Needless to say that it was a long, long, long, journey worth every second!

Today, I am beyond grateful to EVERYONE I interacted with, during this amazing journey of healing. Namaste!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Forgiveness is the First Step to Healing

Forgive yourself Dear One. Forgive your parents, partner, siblings, colleagues or anyone who you believe to have hurt you. The moment we forgive, the vicious mental clutter fades away.

We all carry emotional wounds within us that we project on to others. That is why emotional healing is as important as physical healing.

Forgive this moment, for yourself, for your peace and happiness, and begin working on yourself. Take responsibility for your life. Be the first to break the pattern. You can do it!!

Love, light and peace to all !!

Monday, September 2, 2019


Always listen to your Conscience.
It is your Compass to your best life.

Love, light and Peace to all!!

Heal and help others heal

Make healing yourself a priority and keep sending ripples. You never know who will benefit from your healing energy. Helping each other to heal is one of our earthly missions.
Love, light and peace to all!

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Stepping Stones

Embrace yourself Dear Soul. 
You are enough. 
You are worthy.
You are lovable.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Affirmation # 5

This is a powerful affirmation that keeps me aligned with happiness. Affirmations are most effective when practiced in the meditative or alpha state. They can do wonders to keep you in high vibration all the time!

Love, light and happiness to everyone!!
- Inusha

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Thursday, July 18, 2019


Meditate ….because
You need to know your present state of mind
You need to know your inner demons
You need to make peace with yourself


No wealth is greater than Inner Peace.

To those who resonate with this post.
Share with a loved one. Sharing is caring.
Love, light, peace,

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Affirmation # 4

Affirmations are amazing mantras that can do wonders for you. Daily positive affirmations program the subconscious mind to make you believe that YOU ARE WORTHY AND LOVABLE!

What you believe, you become.  

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Create your Heaven

Gratitude is
a Blissful Emotion
when entertained

Take the Leap

A leap of Faith can be both exciting and terrifying.
Take the leap anyway.
Growth is always on the other side.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Awakened Empath

At the end, the Empath is awakened and the Narcissist remains the same.

If you are the Empath, forgive them and move on with your journey of healing. As long as you hold on to anger and resentment, your healing will not happen.

It is important to understand that Narcissists too have wounds to heal but have no clue as to how to heal them except pointing their finger at others. They will continue to blame you for their suffering but the Awakened Empath will not feel guilty anymore as he/she understands that each one is responsible for their own journey and it is not their responsibility to fix others.

Wish them well and move on with compassion.

Healing begins with forgiveness.

Words by Me

Sunday, February 24, 2019

May we all live in Peace !!

When I listen to my Heart
and act from a place of Love,
with No Expectations,
I am always at Peace,
regardless of the outcome.

May we all live in Peace !!

Love, light, blessings, Inusha

Sunday, February 17, 2019

How do I raise my vibration?

How do I raise my vibration?

I have been asked this question many a times but an attempt on writing on this topic would run into several pages. Fortunately, the Vibrations of Emotions Chart  explains it all beautifully with minimum words.

As it is evident, the highest vibration for an ordinary human being is Gratitude, next only to God consciousness. Gratitude is a blissful emotion and for some it comes easily. Others can attain this emotion by consciously practicing Gratitude daily.

While practicing gratitude, it is extremely important to work on the lower vibrating emotions present within us and make peace with them. Grief, fear, jealousy, anger, hatred, resentment, pride etc. are emotions if entertained would lead us to self-destruction and throw us down to the lowest vibrations, creating hell for us.

As we work on the lower vibrating emotions and peel away layer by layer, our soul is purified and the light within us will attract peaceful and joyful situations to us. You will notice that you are not the same person anymore. You will experience so much inner peace that it will be impossible to go back to your old self again! Things that you once took for granted, now you will feel thankful as you begin to appreciate being alive. Your enthusiasm for life will return to you many fold as gratitude becomes your way of life.

It is absolutely possible. All it takes is intention and willingness to evolve to your best version.

May we all be joyful and grateful beings that light up the World!  Namaste!!

Love, Light, Blessings, Inusha

Friday, February 15, 2019


Whatever happens, trust that the Universe is guiding you to your best version.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

The Warrior

Nothing to lose
everything to celebrate
in the present moment
The Warrior
who died before death
is invincible.

Let what comes, come
Let what goes, go
Let the Drama unfold.

He is the Witness
anchored in silence
seeing through the illusion.

The Warrior
who died before death
is invincible.

Words by Me
Image Credit : The Artist

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Friday, January 25, 2019

Energy speaks louder than words

We are surrounded by energy. Pay attention to the gut instinct.

Do you feel anxious and uncomfortable? Stay away from them.
Do you feel calm, happy and peaceful? Spend more time with them.

As babies we recognized energy (just as animals do) but forgot as we learned to trust words.

It is never too late to unlearn.

Words by Me.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The vibration that calms the body and mind to Awaken the Soul !!

The vibration that calms the body and mind to
Awaken the Soul.

To me, there’s nothing more relaxing than the vibration of AUM to calm the body and mind.

Whenever you feel anxious or uncomfortable, find a quiet place to sit down comfortably. Close the eyes and relax the body. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly while chanting AU………..M. Spend 80 percent of your breath chanting "A-U," and only 20 percent to the syllable, "M." The vibration begins in the abdomen, reaching through the heart and throat to end in the brain.

Repeat this 21 times ( or more if necessary ). Then lie down on your back, feet one foot apart, hands by the side of the body,  palms turned upwards, head straight and eyes closed. Remain still for a few minutes. All your stress will be gone and you will experience what Relaxation IS.

Love, Light, Blessings, Inusha

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Listen to the Body

Often we push ourselves with mental strength, even when the body is screaming for rest, until the system breaks down and we are forced to give ourselves a break.

Listen to the body. It knows more than we think.

Make Self Care a Priority.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Love heals when it is unconditional.

Sometimes when your heart is wide open you wish to pour out Love  into the world. Yet, despite your efforts,  people can receive love only as much as they love themselves.

Keep loving anyway. Love heals when it is unconditional.

I believe we are here to raise the vibration of the planet as well as plant the seeds of love. Even though some humans are not yet ready to receive, the vibrations of love reach deep down to their souls and implanted in the subconscious mind. One day when the time is right, they too shall awaken to love and rise in one consciousness.

Words by Me
Artwork Credit : The Artist

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Gaia is calling!!

Life is a moment to moment uncertainty
Presenting innumerable opportunity
To learn
To evolve
To ascend
Here and Now.

Sleep not Dear Soul
Gaia is calling!!

Have you felt the ascension energy? The Earth is moving from 3D timeline to 5D .......

Words by Me
Image Credit : The Artist

Saturday, January 5, 2019

It is all about Vibration

It is not about Nutrition.
It is all about Vibration.
Having Compassion for all beings
Naturally keeps you in high vibration.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Surrender and flow. Life always has a beautiful destination

“Surrender and flow. Life always has a beautiful destination”.

“Whatever difficult situation you are going through now, do not consider it as a bad experience. It is your part of life that you are supposed to change. For that, you need to love yourself first (your true self) , love the people (souls) and things (manifestation of your thoughts) around you UNCONDITIONALLY with NON-ATTACHMENT. Accept what life throws at you with GRACE and GRATITUDE. After all, you are the beautiful Universe creating your own reality”.

Six years ago, a Dear Friend gave me this advice when I was hopelessly struggling with life. Not only did I accept this advice but wholeheartedly put it into practice. And did the Universe take care of me? Absolutely!! Not that I have reached the destination, in fact, there is no destination. Life is a moment to moment uncertainty. All I can say is that the journey is beautiful and I am on my way......

There is so much peace and beauty in “Surrender” !!!
Love, light and blessings, Inusha

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Learn the Language of Gratitude

 Artist : unknown