Sunday, October 28, 2018

The Spiritual Warrior

When life gets hectic
Challenging stillness
You’re drowning in vortex
in “Survival Dance”.

Yet, you sit up
To Breathe and Smile
offering Gratitude.

He / She has found
The True Meaning
of LIFE.

Dedicated to all the inspiring souls

Words by Me
Image Credit : The Artist

Friday, October 26, 2018

The Journey of Healing

HEALING is a Journey which one day we will look back with immense Gratitude.

Healing is a conscious Decision we make, when we are tired of the roller coaster ride of life.

One day, you will be thankful for all the pains & sorrows, pitfalls , heartbreaks, lessons and challenges that made you stronger and led you to a beautiful Destination called PEACE.

When life throws challenges, stay calm and gracefully learn the lesson. It is only through inner growth that we can learn to fly above the stormy clouds in life.

Once you are emotionally healed, physical healing will follow because everything begins in the consciousness.

The way out is always within.

Words by Me
Image Credit : The Artist

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Ascension is a choice

We are  “bundles of energy” in a garment called a “body
Energy can be transformed but never destroyed.
Such is  Human Potential.
Take charge of the Energy.
Create your life.

Ascension through inner transformation is a choice available to every soul blessed to be born in a human body. Equipped with five senses (and more), intelligence to think and the free will to choose, aren’t we (the humans) the most fortunate beings on this Planet Earth?

Ascension is a choice. Let us ascend together.

When we raise our vibrations, we raise vibration of the Planet.

Words by Me
Image Credit : The Artist

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


YOGA  is the Sacred Journey
to one’s True Self
Pranayama and

Asana brings body and mind together.
Pranayama brings breath and mind together.
Asana, Pranayama together prepare one for Meditation, the ultimate journey to one’s True Self.

Sending gratitude to all the precious souls who inspired and keep inspiring me to continue this amazing journey to my true self.

Words by Me
Image Credit  : The Artist

Friday, October 19, 2018

Chakra Meditation


Healed and balanced Chakras allow smooth flow of energy giving you

*  Increased awareness
*  Well balanced emotional body
*  Increased connectedness to Source/Higher self
*  Abundance of inner guidance
*  Accelerated spiritual growth

It’s truly a Blessing !!!

All you need is a deep intention to heal yourself and a longing to connect with your soul. Once you begin, inner guidance will follow.

When we heal ourselves, we heal the world.

I am no expert on healing or meditation.  I am only sharing my experiences for the benefit of others, with the purest of intention. If you are already healed and your life is amazing, this post is not for you. Thank you and Blessings. Inusha.

Image Credit: The Artist

Monday, October 15, 2018

Affirmation #2

I am a fortunate being
divinely guided by
the Higher self.

Yes. We all are fortunate beings to have been blessed with the rare opportunity of being a “Human” with free will to ascend.

When we believe in our divine nature and work towards attaining the highest self, purifying our souls layer by layer, that “silent inner voice” gets louder and louder.

Do we stay stuck in the lower vibrations in misery or
Do we ascend to higher vibrations and claim abundance?

It is all in our hands. It’s a choice.

Words by Me
Image Credit to the Artist

Friday, October 12, 2018

Affirmation # 1

Affirmation #1

I am worthy.
I am lovable.
I deserve the highest form of love.

BELIEVE. It is your Birth right. You deserve the highest form of love, with No Strings Attached. Your self-talk  is Energy. Channel your energy in the right direction. It is all in Your Hands.

Like attracts like.

Note to Self: If love is offered with attachments, it is a TRAP.

Words by Me
Image Credit to the Artist

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Raise your vibrations

If you feel stuck in a situation
That is beyond your control
Raise Your Vibrations.
It is the only way out.

Sometimes we get stuck in depressing situations with no way out. Instead of complaining and losing peace of mind, surrender and focus the energy on consciously raising your vibrations. When the energy you emit matches the frequency of the desired improvement, things will begin to happen.

Universe “creates” situations to help you manifest your dreams, when you align yourself with the frequency of the Universe. Keep raising your vibrations!!

Like attracts like.

Words by Me
Image Credit to the Artist

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Silent Harmony

How beautiful it is to be
in Silent Harmony
sans extravagant talk.
in its purest form.

How beautiful it is
when the soul is silent
and quiet soul whispers
fill the air.

There never was a separation
never is,
never will be.
Separation is an illusion.

How true are the words of Sufi Mystic
Shams of Tabriz
"In love's country, the language is mute"

How beautiful is
Silent Harmony.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Everything begins in the Consciousness

All that has happened to me
is the Result of a Decision I made
in my Consciousness.

Therefore, I am the only person responsible for my reality.

By vibrating higher, I attract new realities
to help me fulfill my Soul’s Mission.

Vibrate higher.

Words by Me
Image Credit: The Artist

Saturday, October 6, 2018

The Separation is an illusion.

I send you unconditional love
I send you acceptance
I send you understanding.

How can I not love you
when you are only another me ?

How can I ever reject myself?

It’s time to wake up.

The Separation is an illusion.

Words by Me.
Image Credit : The Artist

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

I see you

I see you

I see beauty in you
I see truth in you
I see light in you.

I see the human in you
I see the divine in you
I see"my reflection" in you.

I see the stars, planets, galaxies
vastness of the ocean and the sky
I see the Existence in you.

Namaste Dear Friend
I see you.

Words by Me
Image Credit : The Artist

Learn the Language of Gratitude

 Artist : unknown