Sunday, December 23, 2018

We Heal the World with Love

We Heal the World with Love.
Criticism has never helped anyone in any way.
If at all needed, constructive criticism should come wrapped in love.

Words by Me
The beautiful Artwork credited to the talented Artist.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

A Prayer before Pranayama

May I receive “Cosmic Guidance”
with each breath I inhale
May I release all negativity
with each breath I exhale.

Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!

This is a prayer I perform before practicing Pranayama daily in the morning. The benefits are immense and indescribable!

To me, Pranayama is the life force of Yoga. The Energy that connects me to the entire Universe.

So grateful for this sacred journey and all those who inspire me in their own unique ways!!

Love, light, blessings, Inusha

Affirmation # 3

Words by Me
Image Credit : The Artist

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Stop ......... Breathe ......... Relax

Stop ......... Breathe ......... Relax.

Existence has so much to offer !! Pay attention. Celebrate life.

Life is short.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Inner Peace is the New Definition of Success

Blessed is the mind
Happy and Peaceful
Anchored in Silence
Forever open to

Inner Peace is the New Definition of Success.
With Inner Peace flows Abundance.

Words by Me
Image Credit  : The Artist

The highest vibration is Gratitude

The highest vibration is Gratitude. Practice gratitude until it becomes your attitude. If one can be grateful even for the air one breathes and all other little things that we take for granted, that alone will raise the vibrations to take us to beautiful destinations. 

We need to be thankful for our problems, heartbreaks and depressing situations too, because they make us stronger and help us to discover the “inner Warrior” that we never knew existed! 

Sunday, December 9, 2018

The Amazing Benefits of Pranayama

#  Heightened awareness
#  Increased immunity
#  Increased energy
#  Profound connectedness to the Universe
#  Healthy body and mind
#  Calm and peaceful mindset throughout the day.

These are my experiences. Apart from the above, almost all that I have posted here recently, “downloaded” while I was doing Pranayama in the morning. I believe they are messages from the Universe to be shared with the world, to help in the ascension of humanity.

Offering  deepest gratitude to my most respected teacher Guru Nanda Siriwardana, for his dedication and  invaluable guidance in pursuing the Sacred Journey of Yoga. 
@ nandasri_hathayoga

The Inner Light

The moment we acknowledge the darkness in us, it loses power over us.
All it takes it “Awareness”.

Switch on the light. There is a “Powerhouse” within.

Darkness is only the absence of light.
Shine on.

Love, light and blessings, Inusha

Friday, December 7, 2018

Life always has a Beautiful Destination.

It is our resistance that spoils the journey.

Surrender and Flow

Life always has a Beautiful Destination.

Words by Me
Image Credit : The Artist

Monday, December 3, 2018

Attachment cripples
Non-attachment empowers.
Lesson learned in life.

Words by Me.
Image Credit: The Artist

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Depression is a sign that you need to change your lifestyle

How to get over Depression

1.   Do Yoga and more Yoga. It is the Best Antidepressant with no side effects. I am speaking through experience. Whenever I feel lethargic and down, a little yoga quickly brings me to high spirits.

2.  Laugh and laugh until laugh comes out naturally. Look at yourself in the mirror and laugh. Initially you will have to force yourself to laugh. Keep laughing and one day laugh will come out easily from the core of your being. For me, it happened on the fifth day when I was about to give up. Since then I have been able to laugh like a kid and laugh for no reason.

3.  Let go of attachment because nothing is permanent. It is difficult and painful but it is the only way we can grow and find happiness again. A deep understanding of impermanence is the key.

4. Take a shower and cry your heart out. Tears are a gift given to us to release negative emotions and free ourselves of sadness. A good cry under the shower will wash away most of the pains you have been carrying in your heart and make you feel much much lighter.

5.  Feel good and smile often even if you don’t feel like smiling. Research says that smiling can trick your brain into believing you’re happy which can then spur actual feelings of happiness. So fake it till you make it.

6.  Promise to love yourself and DO IT. Self- love is the Road to Recovery. Leave aside all the conditioning and start loving yourself. You need you more than you need anyone else.

Repeat this for 10 days and you will come out a new being with new life.

Blessings, Inusha

Image Credit : The Artist

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Wounded Healers and Angels of Empathy

Let your wounds be the fertile soil for your soul to blossom.

We all have suffered wounds. They are a part of life and growing up. The brave and compassionate ones heal their wounds and blossom to help heal others. They are the Wounded Healers and Angels of Empathy.

Blessed is the heart that heals with love and expands to infinity.

They are the true Warriors of life.

Words by Me
Image Credit: The Artist

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Have you taken the Mirror Test?

Can you look deep into your eyes and say “I love you”
Can you keep gazing at yourself without feeling uncomfortable?
Can you accept your imperfections and say “I still love you”
Can you look at your body and promise yourself “I love you and I will do my best to look after you”
Can you forgive yourself for all the mistakes you have made in your life?

If you can, great! You are either healed or on the path to healing. If not, this is how you are going to heal yourself and become whole and complete. SELF-LOVE.

When we don’t love ourselves, we feel empty as if there is no purpose in life. We beg others for love , seek approval of others to feel valued, we look for company or other distractions to keep ourselves occupied. We suffer from loneliness and keep searching for the “perfect one” to complete us. In fact, we are bored of our own company. Caught in this illusion, we repeat cycle after cycle in search of happiness and end up feeling frustrated and disillusioned.

If you can identify this “pattern” it’s time to step out of the cycle and start loving yourself, accept yourself with all your imperfections, weirdness and craziness. Self-love is the “Road to Recovery”, to heal all the emotional wounds, to know our worthiness, realize the divine beings that we are and reclaim the power back.

Self-love is not selfish. It is sharing the same love and compassion that we have for others with our own selves too. If we cannot love ourselves, how on earth can we love others?   

Note to Self : Clinging is NOT love.

Words by Me
Image Credit: The Artist

Friday, November 16, 2018

Self Love

Self- love is compassionate. It is never selfish.

Self-love is a prerequisite for unconditional love  and  expand in consciousness.

Unconditional love begins with Self-love.
It is the Road to Recovery.

When we don’t love ourselves, we become “beggars of love” and live our entire life in misery. Self- love makes us feel so complete that we are able to share love with other beings without “clinging” to them. Clinging suffocates one or both persons.

The more we love and accept ourselves unconditionally, more we are able to do the same for others too.

Love is no longer a need but a Joy to share.

Note to Self:  Self-love is not to be confused with egoistic love which lacks compassion. 

Words by Me
Image Credit : The Artist

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Stillness happens with Oneness

Stillness happens with Oneness

be it Nature, Art, Music, God or the Beloved
whatever that stills the mind,
and leads us to experience oneness
is pure Bliss.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Spiritual Love

Attachment and Dependency are mistakenly perceived as Love.
The truth is that Love has NOTHING to do with the other.

Love is a state of being.

Love flows freely and unconditionally,
helping the other to GROW SPIRITUALLY
to become the best version of themselves.

Words by Me
Image Credit : The Artist

Friday, November 2, 2018

Attitude of Gratitude

Gratitude is such a beautiful feeling. When we entertain gratitude in our hearts, we raise our vibrations.

When we take a step further and “express gratitude in words”  ( words are energy ) our vibes rise even higher.

When we are overwhelmed with gratitude to the point of tears, we attract “Miracles”.

Words by Me
Image Credit : The Artist

Sunday, October 28, 2018

The Spiritual Warrior

When life gets hectic
Challenging stillness
You’re drowning in vortex
in “Survival Dance”.

Yet, you sit up
To Breathe and Smile
offering Gratitude.

He / She has found
The True Meaning
of LIFE.

Dedicated to all the inspiring souls

Words by Me
Image Credit : The Artist

Friday, October 26, 2018

The Journey of Healing

HEALING is a Journey which one day we will look back with immense Gratitude.

Healing is a conscious Decision we make, when we are tired of the roller coaster ride of life.

One day, you will be thankful for all the pains & sorrows, pitfalls , heartbreaks, lessons and challenges that made you stronger and led you to a beautiful Destination called PEACE.

When life throws challenges, stay calm and gracefully learn the lesson. It is only through inner growth that we can learn to fly above the stormy clouds in life.

Once you are emotionally healed, physical healing will follow because everything begins in the consciousness.

The way out is always within.

Words by Me
Image Credit : The Artist

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Ascension is a choice

We are  “bundles of energy” in a garment called a “body
Energy can be transformed but never destroyed.
Such is  Human Potential.
Take charge of the Energy.
Create your life.

Ascension through inner transformation is a choice available to every soul blessed to be born in a human body. Equipped with five senses (and more), intelligence to think and the free will to choose, aren’t we (the humans) the most fortunate beings on this Planet Earth?

Ascension is a choice. Let us ascend together.

When we raise our vibrations, we raise vibration of the Planet.

Words by Me
Image Credit : The Artist

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


YOGA  is the Sacred Journey
to one’s True Self
Pranayama and

Asana brings body and mind together.
Pranayama brings breath and mind together.
Asana, Pranayama together prepare one for Meditation, the ultimate journey to one’s True Self.

Sending gratitude to all the precious souls who inspired and keep inspiring me to continue this amazing journey to my true self.

Words by Me
Image Credit  : The Artist

Friday, October 19, 2018

Chakra Meditation


Healed and balanced Chakras allow smooth flow of energy giving you

*  Increased awareness
*  Well balanced emotional body
*  Increased connectedness to Source/Higher self
*  Abundance of inner guidance
*  Accelerated spiritual growth

It’s truly a Blessing !!!

All you need is a deep intention to heal yourself and a longing to connect with your soul. Once you begin, inner guidance will follow.

When we heal ourselves, we heal the world.

I am no expert on healing or meditation.  I am only sharing my experiences for the benefit of others, with the purest of intention. If you are already healed and your life is amazing, this post is not for you. Thank you and Blessings. Inusha.

Image Credit: The Artist

Monday, October 15, 2018

Affirmation #2

I am a fortunate being
divinely guided by
the Higher self.

Yes. We all are fortunate beings to have been blessed with the rare opportunity of being a “Human” with free will to ascend.

When we believe in our divine nature and work towards attaining the highest self, purifying our souls layer by layer, that “silent inner voice” gets louder and louder.

Do we stay stuck in the lower vibrations in misery or
Do we ascend to higher vibrations and claim abundance?

It is all in our hands. It’s a choice.

Words by Me
Image Credit to the Artist

Friday, October 12, 2018

Affirmation # 1

Affirmation #1

I am worthy.
I am lovable.
I deserve the highest form of love.

BELIEVE. It is your Birth right. You deserve the highest form of love, with No Strings Attached. Your self-talk  is Energy. Channel your energy in the right direction. It is all in Your Hands.

Like attracts like.

Note to Self: If love is offered with attachments, it is a TRAP.

Words by Me
Image Credit to the Artist

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Raise your vibrations

If you feel stuck in a situation
That is beyond your control
Raise Your Vibrations.
It is the only way out.

Sometimes we get stuck in depressing situations with no way out. Instead of complaining and losing peace of mind, surrender and focus the energy on consciously raising your vibrations. When the energy you emit matches the frequency of the desired improvement, things will begin to happen.

Universe “creates” situations to help you manifest your dreams, when you align yourself with the frequency of the Universe. Keep raising your vibrations!!

Like attracts like.

Words by Me
Image Credit to the Artist

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Silent Harmony

How beautiful it is to be
in Silent Harmony
sans extravagant talk.
in its purest form.

How beautiful it is
when the soul is silent
and quiet soul whispers
fill the air.

There never was a separation
never is,
never will be.
Separation is an illusion.

How true are the words of Sufi Mystic
Shams of Tabriz
"In love's country, the language is mute"

How beautiful is
Silent Harmony.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Everything begins in the Consciousness

All that has happened to me
is the Result of a Decision I made
in my Consciousness.

Therefore, I am the only person responsible for my reality.

By vibrating higher, I attract new realities
to help me fulfill my Soul’s Mission.

Vibrate higher.

Words by Me
Image Credit: The Artist

Saturday, October 6, 2018

The Separation is an illusion.

I send you unconditional love
I send you acceptance
I send you understanding.

How can I not love you
when you are only another me ?

How can I ever reject myself?

It’s time to wake up.

The Separation is an illusion.

Words by Me.
Image Credit : The Artist

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

I see you

I see you

I see beauty in you
I see truth in you
I see light in you.

I see the human in you
I see the divine in you
I see"my reflection" in you.

I see the stars, planets, galaxies
vastness of the ocean and the sky
I see the Existence in you.

Namaste Dear Friend
I see you.

Words by Me
Image Credit : The Artist

Saturday, September 29, 2018


If you’ve been getting frequent Headaches for no apparent reason, do try the following.
The combined effect of this sequence is amazing!!!

1)  Ground yourself daily in Nature.
2)  Practice Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
3)  Do Pranayam every morning.
4)  Learn Chakra Meditation.

Take time out to spend in Nature and breathe fresh air. Take off your shoes and get rooted to Earth. Imagine that you are sending out roots down to Earth. Feel the earth energy flowing up the roots, into the legs and revitalizing the whole body. Do this as long as you feel comfortable.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) helps to release suppressed emotions and anxiety instantly on a scale of 0 – 10. Unhealed emotions and wounds often manifest themselves in the form of headache, conveying the message to you that something is not right in your emotional body. As you repeat the exercise, you peel off layer by layer of suppressed emotions and wounds and in turn will begin to feel more and more relaxed with more mental clarity.

Begin the day with Pranayam. It’s a good workout for the brain and releases tension from the head with increased flow of blood and alertness. If you are new to Pranayam, please learn it under a qualified Guru. Learning Pranayam from books can be dangerous and damaging to the health.

Chakra Meditation can be a great tool in self-healing.  Learn how to balance each chakra and you will gradually return to wellness of your being.

Note: If the headache persists, by all means seek medical help. The above methods only aid in your healing which begins at the deepest level of your consciousness.

Offering my deepest gratitude to a Godsend Mr. Naleem, who crossed my path and introduced Emotional Freedom Technique and Energy Healing to me, thus opening a new avenue on the path of my journey to self-healing.

Words by Me
Image Credit : The Artist

Saturday, September 15, 2018


does not mean that I have forgotten you
nor have I stopped thinking of you.
This bond is far too strong.

It’s simply detachment from the need
to connect in 3D
detachment from expectations,
pre-conceived beliefs.

It’s surrender to NOW
knowing that we are One
divinely united 
in the Higher self.

It’s simply living in Bliss
in Oneness.

The Existence
We are ONE.

Words by Me
Image Credit : The Artist

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Divine Oneness

Beyond time
beyond space
beyond Dimension Three
Pure Souls 
meet in Oneness.

No expectations
No judgments
No beliefs.

Awareness only
of Pure Conscious Love.

The Fifth Dimension.

Words by Me
Image Credit : The Artist

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The Rising

Caught in storm
thrown to rock bottom
died before death.

Goddess is rising
from ashes
for the new mission

Never be afraid to fall.
Never be afraid of storms.
Never be afraid to “die before death”
Rock bottom is the solid foundation of the Sacred Temple.

Phoenix is born from the ashes.

Words by Me.
Image Credit : The Artist

Learn the Language of Gratitude

 Artist : unknown