Friday, March 18, 2022

Be You !!


Authenticity is your signal to the Universe, that you are ready to grow into your highest potential.

Be the Real You

The joyous you

The compassionate you

The truthful you

The vast you

The weird you

The unique you!

Drop the conditioning. 

Be you.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Surrender and flow

When life takes
unexpected turn
do not resist my soul

Surrender and gently flow with gratitude.

Universe has a greater plan for you!!

Sometimes, what you want is not what you need. Take the path of least resistance and gently flow with gratitude in the belief that Universe is always working for your highest good. 

You are divinely protected.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

New beginnings

What you cannot change
accept with gratitude.

Universe will open
new doors for you!!

Trust the spiritual journey.
Everything is divinely orchestrated.

Learn the Language of Gratitude

 Artist : unknown